Monday 22 December 2014

'Tis the most (busiest) time of the Year'

Forsaking William's silver pen this time, Giles has a festive theme for this post.

In hotels and restaurants, colleagues are like family. Actually, many hospitality employees spend more time with their colleagues, and are closer to them, than their own family!

At Christmas time, hospitality is one of the industries where you actually work on Christmas Day.

Friday 5 December 2014

Shift Leaders: An Appreciation

A person often overlooked in bars, restaurants, cafes and lounges is the long suffering Shift or Team Leader. However, the role they play is vital.

Quite a few paces for various reasons (mainly due to size of establishment and size of workforce) do not have one. However, either officially appointed or unofficially recognised as such, the Shift or Team Leader of real concern to the supervisor or manager.